Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Sosial Budaya : Keraton Yogyakarta

Hallo teman-teman..kali ini saya akan kembali melanjutkan cerita saya waktu di Jogja...
Namun, aku hanya akan menceritakan salah satu objek yang cukup menarik dan menambah wawasan kita tentunya sebagai seorang Indonesia sejati..heheheh

Jadi, di hari kedua kami study tour, kami mengunjungi Keraton Yogyakarta yang merupakan salah satu peninggalan budaya daerah setempat dan warisan budaya nasional. Jadi..begini ceritanya teman-teman...
Dulu keraton ini dikenal dengan nama Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Keraton ini merupakan istana resmi Kesultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat yang kini berlokasi di Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Walaupun kesultanan tersebut secara resmi telah menjadi bagian Republik Indonesia pada tahun 1950, kompleks bangunan keraton ini masih berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal sultan dan rumah tangga istananya yang masih menjalankan tradisi kesultanan hingga saat ini. Keraton ini kini juga merupakan salah satu objek wisata di Kota Yogyakarta. Sebagian kompleks keraton merupakan museum yang menyimpan berbagai koleksi milik kesultanan, termasuk berbagai pemberian dari raja-raja Eropa, replika pusaka keraton, dan gamelan. Dari segi bangunannya, keraton ini merupakan salah satu contoh arsitektur istana Jawa yang terbaik, memiliki balairung-balairung mewah dan lapangan serta paviliun yang luas.

Keraton Yogyakarta mulai didirikan oleh Sultan Hamengku Buwono I beberapa bulan pasca Perjanjian Giyanti di tahun 1755. Lokasi keraton ini konon adalah bekas sebuah pesanggarahan yang bernama Garjitawati. Pesanggrahan ini digunakan untuk istirahat iring-iringan jenazah raja-raja Mataram (Kartasura dan Surakarta) yang akan dimakamkan di Imogiri. Versi lain menyebutkan lokasi keraton merupakan sebuah mata air, Umbul Pacethokan, yang ada di tengah hutan Beringan. Sebelum menempati Keraton Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengku Buwono I berdiam di Pesanggrahan Ambar Ketawang yang sekarang termasuk wilayah Kecamatan Gamping Kabupaten Sleman.

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

CNN Heroes - Michael Brosowski - Director of Blue Dragon Company

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Brosowski, had a childhood that was far from comfortable - the family actually built their house, and struggled financially. "Looking back on it, I'm so glad that I had that experience," he reflects. "I think it's made me a bit more resilient to changes. I grew up in Sydney and then spent my teenage years on a little farm with nothing but trees and kangaroos for miles."

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Observasi ke Cirebon

5 mei 2011

a local flower
     Well well, 2 days ago my partner, Silvia, had already posted the "Study Tour to Jogja" right? Now, i'm gonna take the turn to tell you the story from our study tour to Cirebon.

     So, there were four of us, Tari (myself), Desi, Meli, and Danis who didn't go to Jogja like the others, and we went to Cirebon instead.. First of all, i'm gonna say that it wasn't easy for us, as Jakarta's high school student, to go to next town without a lead from anybody.

     What we did first was asking permission from school and get the covering letter from the TU's employee. After that, we went to Jatinegara train station to get 4 business tickets of Cirebon Express. The next day, we made an appointment with the sugar fabric, P.T Rajawali, so that we could take a look in there.  

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Study Tour To Jogja

halo..teman-teman semua....hope everything's fine..well, hari ini gue bakalan nyeritain sedikit tentang study tour seminggu yang lalu..
jadi minggu lalu, tepatnya tanggal 4-8 mei, kami siswa-siswi SMAN 12, Jakarta, mengadakan study tour ke kota Jogja. Tepatnya hari rabu siang kami berangkat ke sana dengan menggunakan bis pariwisata. Perjalanannya cukup melelahkan sih..apalagi mengingat semalaman duduk di bis..bikin badan pegel-pegel..tapi semua siswa tetep aja menikmatinya.. nih buktinya

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

IMF's Chief Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn's issue


Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn (French pronunciation: [dɔminik stʁos kan]; born April 25th 1949 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France's wealthiest suburb. He is the son of Gilbert Strauss-Kahn, a legal and tax advisor and member of the Grand Orient de France, and Russian/Tunisian journalist Jacqueline Fellus. 

He is a French economist, lawyer, and politician, and a member of the Socialist Party of France (PS). In 1995, he was elected mayor of Sarcelles, a poor suburb of Paris, then masterminded the economic policy that helped the Socialists win legislative elections in 1997, when he became finance minister.

Strauss-Kahn became the 10th Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 28 September 2007, with the backing of Nicolas Sarkozy.

(Update) Fukushima nuclear power plant update: get all the data ( ^o^ )

Current Status at Fukushima
Current Status at Fukushima as of 13th April 2011
source: guardian.co.uk
     The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and following tsunami on March 11 has seen a rush by officials to gain control of power plants in the north-east of the country and have been under pressure to resolve the situation. Last Wednesday marked two months since the Japan disaster and this brings a new focus onto the state of affairs in the country.

     The table below shows the status of the reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi (the largest of the Fukushima power plants) and is colour coded to show the severity. Green for low, yellow represents high and red shows those of severe significance as judged by the JAIF. We have used JAIF's update 132 as of 12:00 local time as this is the most up to the minute data we can get.

(Update) Japan's clear-up likely to take three years

After the tsunami: Japan's clear-up likely to take three years

After the tsunami: Japan's clear-up likely to take three years
source: www.mediastar.net.ua
Masayuki Yamazaki takes a camping chair out of his car, unfolds it outside his home of 20 years and sits down to watch his street reduced to rubble in what is likely to become the world's biggest demolition operation.
He is not alone. Several neighbours have also returned for wrecking day. They look on as buildings erected over decades are torn down in hours by a fleet of mechanical diggers.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

The Royal Wedding : Prince William & Kate Middleton

Hello everybody...! How's everything ?
I hope everything's good. So, what's the latest new nowadays?
yup..It's still about the Royal Wedding : Prince William and Kate Middleton.

(Update) New anti-nuclear tsunami first aftershock -translation-

第一原発 新たな津波余震対策
New anti-nuclear tsunami first aftershock

4月30日 23時12分
April 30, 12:23 .

To reduce the damage caused by aftershocks and tsunami of new Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station TEPCO, Tokyo Electric, and provided temporary seawall seaward of the primary location, make some concrete measures such as filling in a tunnel, called a trench now.

Jumat, 29 April 2011

(Update) Summary of Japan's Reactor Status and The Rebuild Costs

IAEA Update Briefing on Fukushima Nuclear Accident
28 April 2011, 18:00 UTC

→ Summary of Reactor Status

1. Current situation

     Overall, the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant remains very serious, but there are signs of recovery in some functions, such as electrical power and instrumentation.

2. Changes to Fukushima Daiichi plant status

     The IAEA receives information from various official sources in Japan through the Japanese national competent authority, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA). Additional detail is provided in the IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) status summary with information received by 17:00 UTC on 27 April 2011.

3. Management of on-site contaminated water

     According to the 25 April evaluation by NISA of the report submitted by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), there is a little less than 70,000 tonnes of stagnant water with high level radioactivity in the basement of the turbine buildings of Units 1, 2 and 3.

Teenage Binge Drinkers in Western World

Teenage Binge Drinking RisksBinge Drinking
Alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug in Australia. Because of its popularity, people don't tend to think of it as a drug, or even realise that it can be harmful. But alcohol is the largest cause of drug-related deaths among Australian teenagers.

According to a report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 1998 alcohol was the cause of 814 deaths and 25,207 hospital admissions for people between the age of 15 and 34.

  • What is binge drinking?

Jumat, 15 April 2011

(Update) Japan's Emperor Made His First Trip to The Disaster Zone

Japanese Emperor Akihito, left, and greet earthquake-displaced refugees at an evacuation shelter in Asahi City in Chiba Prefecture.TOKYO, April 14th: Japan's widely respected emperor made his first visit Thursday to the disaster zone devastated by an earthquake and tsunami, kneeling on mats to commiserate with survivors who bowed in gratitude and wiped away tears.

    Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko visited two evacuation shelters Thursday in Asahi city, where they spoke quietly with evacuees sitting on mats in the community centers that have become their temporary homes.
Asahi, about 86 kilometers (54 miles) east of Tokyo near the Pacific coast, is one of the southernmost areas to be heavily affected by the March 11 natural disasters, which killed up to 26,000 people and also set off a crisis of radiation leaks at a flooded nuclear plant.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

(Update) Japan Changes in Public Attitude Towards Nuclear Power

      Explosions in the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan have created active protest against nuclear energy in Western Europe and Estonian economy and coruscations minister Juhan Parts said that the Estonian government will also have to take into account the change of public opinion, LETA/National Broadcasting reports.

Building a nuclear power plant is in the election programme of the leading Reform Party, and Pro Patria and Res Publica Party (PRU) programme also prescribes corresponding studies.
“We have to take into account the public opinion and it is clear that what is seen on TV affects public opinion,” said Parts (PRU).

Non profit organisation Estonian Nuclear Power Plant CEO Kalev Kallemets (Reform Party) said that most likely the governmental and Riigikogu cannot focus on that field of energy fully this year. “Most likely thorough studies and explanation work has to be done before such a decision can be made,” he noted.

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Corruption : Eternal Enemy

Hello everybody, well our today's topic is corruption. what makes me choose this topic is the newest news about the revision of corruption criminal law.
well, corruption is becoming a common thing, especially in my beloved country. Some people also say that corruption is becoming our culture. Yah, many action have taken to resolve it, but sometimes it fails.
For example, recently we have heard about the corruption which done by G***S (censored). It was one of many greatest corruption in this country. Many people are fed up with that kind of news. They think that the government only speak about their promise to punish the corruptor and decrease the amount of corruption.
Sometimes I think that's true, but..It's not only the government's fault but also our fault.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Social Messages from "ARASHI" in connection to Japan's current disaster

     Well, maybe as a writer i am a little bit selfish here to write this one post. But i can't help it, so, this is a video and written translation of Social Messages from ARASHI in connection to Japan's current earthquake and tsunami disaster.

(credit: SoftBangkok)

Tsunami Harpoons Japanese Whaling Town

This is an update about the effect of Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster March 11th, 2011 that occured in the Ayukawa area. This affected Japan's scientific research of whales as well.

Below is the article written by Shingo Ito 
AYUKAWA, Japan — The Japanese whaling town of Ayukawa has survived the wrath of environmental groups for decades, but had no defence against a giant tsunami that wiped out the industry here, possibly for ever.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

The Effect of Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster ( 11 March 2011 )

Below is a video about the tsunami..

(credit : franktze)

Sadly, the impact of this disaster doesn't stop there. Aside from debris and casualties, the disaster also brought a scary aftermath: radiation. Read article below:

Tokyo water warning on radiation

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Effects of Social Networks

Social networks are becoming more popular nowadays. Then, for many people it's going to be their need. In fact, the users of  social networks such as Twitter and facebook is increasing, especially in my beloved country ( Indonesia ).... believe it or not... According to many sites and webs, indonesia is one of the countries which has the greatest amount of social networks users in the world...sounds great.. but still, there's a bad news..yah of course, we've heard about the crime that started from using this kind of social networks..
So, actually what is the effect of using social networks? of course there are so many effects, both positive or negative.. so, I'm going to tell you a little bit about that...

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

The purchase of DVD culture

zwani.com myspace graphic comments Actually i want to explain about the purchase of DVD culture. For example as found in this site:
Cami's LJ

    The site above shows that there is a Japanese group of boyband named "ARASHI" that last year has sold over 4 million copies of music DVDs. Those amount of copies been bought by their fan(boys/girls) all over the world. So from my point of view, the purchase of DVD culture hadn't influenced only Japanese but plentiful person in world wide.
    Even if the purchase of DVD culture didn't start over from the Japanese, but those who remain that culture is Japanese. For example in America is more well-known to purchase by downloading (mp3,mp4, etc) from i-tunes, so they can just copy it to their i-pod (because i-pod is a common music player which firmly owned by American), rather than purchasing the original CD or DVD.
    If we compare both culture to the one in Indonesia, they are actually resembles each other. In Indonesia people do like to buy CDs but not the original one, or do like downloading (mp3,mp4, etc) but get it for free. Here, i'm not going to judge any of these culture but, which one do you think is more proper to do?

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

भारत की वृद्धि दर 8. 7 प्रतिशत रहेगी

पीटीआई-भाषा संवाददाता 12:19 HRS IST

दावोस, 28 जनवरी :भाषा: दक्षता के साथ साथ आधारभूत ढांचा में निवेश के कारण भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के 8. 7 प्रतिशत सालाना की दर से बढ़ने की संभावना है और वर्ष 2020 तक यहां 3. 75 करोड़ रोजगारों का भी सृजन होगा।

परामर्शक फर्म एक्सेंचर ने विश्व आर्थिक मंच में जारी अपनी रिपोर्ट में कहा कि भारत, जर्मनी, अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन जैसी चार प्रमुख अर्थव्यवस्थायें : भारत, जर्मनी, अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन : कुल मिलाकर विश्व अर्थव्यवस्था के करीब 40 प्रतिशत के बराबर है।

इसमें कहा गया है कि भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था मौजूदा समय में आठ प्रतिशत की विकास दर की उम्मीद के मुकाबले 8. 7 प्रतिशत वाषिर्क दर से बढ़ेगी तथा वर्ष 2020 तक मौजूदा उम्मीद के मुकाबले 3. 75 करोड़ अधिक रोजगार सृजित होने की उम्मीद है।

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Social News Sunday, January 30, 2011 ( 07:35 AM )

Police evacuate Ahmadiyah followers amid threat from hardliners

Andi Hajramurni, The Jakarta Post, Makassar, South Sulawesi | Sun, 01/30/2011 12:42 PM | Archipelago

South Sulawesi Police use force to evacuate around 40 Ahmadiyah followers from their mosque on Jl. Anuang, Makassar amid heightened tension in the vicinity with the presence of hardline group.
Police officers broke into the mosque's locked door at 9:15 p.m. local time and took out all the members, including 25 women and 11 children. They were taken to Makassar Police using two vans and one truck.
Some Ahmadiyah members reportedly managed to flee using backdoor.

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

CTP/CRP : Xavier Bertrand a toujours tort


   Parmi la litanie des mauvais chiffres de chômage publiés ce soir par le ministère de l'Emploi, il y a en un page 10 - le seul bon en l'occurrence - qui m'a sauté aux yeux. C'est le nombre d'entrées à Pôle emploi suite à un licenciement économique : 15 500 en décembre, stable sur un mois et en chute libre de près de 20% sur un an. Outre le fait que ce motif de rupture de contrat de travail ne représente plus que 3,2% des motifs d'entrées à la fin de l'année, je ne comprends pas pourquoi le gouvernement persiste à revendiquer un accompagnement renforcé et dûment rémunéré pour les seuls licenciés économiques. Il n'y à qu'à lire le communiqué de presse officiel, envoyé ce soir par Xavier Bertrand, pour s'en persuader. Je cite : "la sécurisation des parcours professionnels des salariés ayant subi un licenciement économique sera assurée par un dispositif unifié et plus efficace", explique le ministre de l'Emploi. Comprenez par le dispositif qui ressortira de la fusion entre le contrat de transition professionnelle (CTP) et la convention de reclassement personnalisé (CRP), un sujet maintes fois abordé sur "Les dessous du social"... Comme si c'était la priorité aujourd'hui ! Mais bon, c'est encore une promesse de Nicolas Sarkozy - la généralisation du CTP à tous les licenciés économiques, ce qui existe déjà, cela dit en passant, cela s'appelle la CRP mais ne le dites pas - et comme toute promesse, elle doit être honorée.

Viva! Homeless へようこそ.

ホームレスの皆さんの自立を支援するTHE BIG ISSUE JAPAN(ビッグイシュー)の理念に賛同し、一人でも多くの皆さんにTHE BIG ISSUE JAPANの存在を知っていただき、支援の輪(購入者)を広げていくためのサイト、「Viva! Homeless」(ビバ! ホームレス).

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Pengaruh Entertainment pada Perkembangan Sosial

   Dunia hiburan saat ini semakin berkembang, baik di bidang musik maupun perfilman. Seiring dengan perkembangan tersebut, pengaruh yang ditimbulkan pun semakin berkembang,baik pengaruh positif maupun negatif. Contohnya saja belakangan ini kita sering mendengar lagu-lagu dan film-film yang sebenarnya bermakna negatif dan melanggar norma susila dan kesopanan. Bahkan film-film zaman sekarang  cenderung mengikuti budaya barat yang terkadang tidak sesuai dengan adat timur. Meskipun hiburan tersebut tetap dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat namun sebenarnya hal tersebut membawa dampak negativ bagi kaum muda khususnya anak-anak dan remaja.